Monday, October 8, 2012

Pregnancy Update and Other Shananigans...

I realized the other day that I am shooting myself in the foot by not posting each week like I wanted to. Then I thought about it and remembered that my busy everyday life is a BLESSED life! I am so thankful that I have a home to come home to and clean. I am thankful to have a job that I absolutely love, even when I have 76 research papers to grade and what seems like never-ending meetings sometimes. I am thankful for a husband who works hard for our family. I am thankful we both have jobs where we can put food on our table, water to fill our bathtub, dishwasher, sink, and washing machine. I am thankful that I am feeling this little boy move all around each day and know he is growing healthy!

So yes, we have been very busy with the hustle and bustle of everyday life and I would not change ONE SINGLE THING!

Enjoy an update of pictures through Instagram since my last post.

Wally had a HORRIBLE reaction to a flea bite. After two trips to the vet, three different types of antibiotics, one shot, and strict bath routine he is much better. This picture was Trip #2 to the vet. He hopped right up into the chair like a human would. One day we may tell him he is dog...I doubt it though. :)

Week 17 and 3 Days. My stomach was a lot more flat the day prior. This is when he really popped to me!

Week 19

John Thomas and my dad have worked super hard on the weekends to build this in our backyard. The disadvantage of our cute little mill house is no storage. Our spare bedroom/Wally's room is transforming to Greyson's room and we needed somewhere for all the "stuff" we have. All that is left is paint and shingles! Good work, boys!

Week 20- This was early in the morning before our "Big Appointment". By "big" they were to measure him and look at his brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. He did not want to do that that day SO I have rescheduled my appointment. He was on his stomach and underneath my belly button so they could not check and get the pictures needed that day. Stubborn little boy. :)

Week 21- not sure about that shadow

Last weekend we took off to the mountains for our annual camping trip! It was great to get away for aa few days! Here is Wally, Bailey and me sitting around the fire Friday night. 

Wally and I when we were riding in Uncle Reed's truck on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

That is all for tonight. Love-

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Greyson Stephen Gillespie

John Thomas and I had an appointment set for September 6 for normal blood work the doctor has to do and to find out if we were going to have a little boy or girl. A few weeks before John Thomas started saying he didn't know if he was going to be able to wait until Sept. 6 (about 2 1/2 weeks out at this time) to find out what we were having. There is a place close to where we live that you can go that does gender reveals starting at week 14. I told him it was just two weeks and we could make it, besides..if it was like getting an appointment at the doctor's office it would take forever to get in. He agreed.

Monday came and I could not stop thinking about it, and it was the first day of school. I emailed John Thomas and told him I was going to call and see if I could get us in to do an appointment to see sometime this week. Well now he was convincing me that we could wait two more weeks.

By Wednesday night we both had decided we were not going to wait anymore. I called first thing Thursday morning. I played phone tag all day with the lady working and John Thomas trying to figure out a time we could go. When I left school about 4 that day I called one final time. She was so sweet and told me if I could be there by 5:45 she would squeeze me in. I squealed I was so excited! I told John Thomas he had to hustle and leave work right at 5:30 to meet me (he was only an exit away but the traffic between the two exits is crazy from 5-6 each day!)

We decided we were not going to tell anyone that we were going and surprise everyone that night. I had planned to have a gender reveal party at our house the night after the doctor's visit with cake and the whole nine yards. Before going to the office though I went by Party City and got a bunch of blue and pink balloons so we could leave from the office and go straight to telling people. :)

We sat for what seemed an eternity waiting to go back for the ultrasound (We entertained ourselves by flipping a coin guessing boy or girl). When we finally went back and she started with the ultrasound "it" was being VERY difficult. It would not move or show any parts. After some wiggling around we finally had some movement and clear as day saw that it was a BOY! I think John Thomas was ready for a victory lap around the room! Giddy does not even begin to describe his reaction (and don't worry...I was very excited, too!)

When we left we went straight to Wofford to see Marian (she had a sleep study that evening and was at a dinner so we schemed with his Aunt Monte and was able to greet her at the gate with the balloons!). From there we went a few miles away to JT's brother's and sister-in-law's house. They were so shocked! Then off to my moms. My dad was traveling of course and wasn't at home. Mom was walking Bailey in the neighborhood and was already outside when we pulled off. I jumped out as quickly as I could and grabbed the blue balloons! She kept saying, "I knew it!" She was one of the only people who didn't say what they thought, so I have NO idea what she thought it was.We waited on my brother and his girlfriend to get there to show them and then thanks to technology, we were able to Facetime my dad! Thank the Lord for technology!!

That night it really hit me, I am going to be a mom. I am having a baby. I am having a baby boy. I have a son. It was a feeling that I couldn't describe and still can't. I think it is normal to feel that way. I was so excited and at the same time the realization of it all was making me scared to death.

Enjoy the pictures from the night...

So, in February we will meet our Greyson Stephen Gillespie.
I'll post later about the name...

18 weeks tomorrow!


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week 15

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 15 Weeks 4 Days today
Size of baby: Baby G is the size of an avocado (4-5 inches and 3-5 ounces)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Haven't weighed myself lately
Maternity Clothes:I am wearing dresses most days. If I do wear pants I make sure to have a trusty rubber band.
Gender: Found out this past Thursday (story to come...), but it's a BOY!
Movement: I think I might have felt a flutter the other night when I was going to sleep but I am not positive.
Sleep: Can't get enough. With school starting I have been past the point of exhaustion most nights.
What I miss: Brushing my teeth without gagging.
Cravings: Probably fruit and anything sour, especially Sour Patch Kids
Symptoms: The continuous "Pregnancy Congestion." I am not a sick person and I have had two colds since I have been pregnant. I haven't been sick lately (knock on wood). Just super tired!
Best Moment this week: Finding out we were having a boy!

After finding out it was a boy. I feel that this week my belly really "popped" out some.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Today we had by far the best staff development training ever. We are beginning a program called Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in our school district. I am not sure how it will work at the K-6 level, but at our school (grades 7&8) I think the impact will be great!

My concern before starting this was that a bullying program would create more drama. When a student was called a name one time it would be reported, etc. and it would create more than help like the purpose should be. Within the first ten minutes of the training I knew my assumption was wrong. 

The opening of our meeting was a YouTube Video. I sat there amazed. I couldn't believe it. Surely that wouldn't happen in our school. However, it does..and often. I just want to share this video. My eyes were opened. I knew about bullying, but never being the "victim" of bullying it's a hard concept to grasp.

I am so thankful for our school committee that worked SO hard on this to put this together for our faculty and staff today. I am very excited to get this implemented and watch the impact that it will have! 

Friday, August 10, 2012

13 Weeks!

I'm 13 weeks (and 2 days)!

(The G is not crooked, JT had the camera crooked but it was dying and we were trying to hurry because Wally was trying to get in.)

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 13 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby G is the size of a lemon (3 inches and about 1.5 oz)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Loss 9 as of last week. Weeks 6-10 were not the best of weeks and I couldn't keep much of anything down.
Maternity Clothes: I'm wearing my normal clothes- some days I have to use the rubber band trick on my capris. Thankfully with work, I can wear all of my dresses still :) My mom took me shopping for my birthday so I do have some cute clothes for when I do need to bust them out! Actually, this shirt is maternity.
Gender: Can't wait to find out! September 6!
Movement: Too soon. If I did, I wouldn't know it.
Sleep: It would be nice if I didn't have to get up for the bathroom :) I am not as tired as I was at first though!
What I miss: Mountain Dew- I still drink some caffeine, just not that much :)
Cravings: Probably fruit and anything sour, especially Sour Patch Kids
Symptons: I'm starting to feel a lot better, much more human! I still feel blah some days but those days are now far outweighed- just in time for school!
Best Moment this week: Last Thursday going to the doctor and the ultrasound looking like a baby and not a bean!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Back to School!

Today was the first day back for Staff Development! I had a great summer but I must admit I am ready to be back in a routine. If I have said it a once, I have said it a million times. I LOVE my team! I teach with wonderful people! Super blessed! Over the past three weeks I have periodically gone to my room to work. Mom came one day and help me hang all of my posters and today was mostly spent organizing and getting rid of clutter! I felt like I had a shelf beside me everytime I turned around. So today I was determined to get rid of some and move some things around! Our school has great custodians! Today, I had a new trash can, a broken desk removed and a bookshelf out in a matter of five minutes! I am so thankful for them. 

This is what my room looked like when I first went back in July. 

My room looks so different now. My posters are up, desk are organized and my desk is clean! I love an organized work area! When everything is ready, I will show pictures! 

I pray this school year I am a the light in these children. Some only get love and attention at school~ I may be the only smile these kids see. I feel that my job is not only to teach English, but to be that LIGHT! I am already praying for my students and will continue throughout the year~ even when I am gone on maternity leave.

Have a happy Thursday!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pawleys Island 2012

I LOVE vacation! We packed the car Friday, the 13th and headed East on 26! I love the beach and I love Pawleys! We had a wonderful time with family and friends! I took my good camera hoping to get some good pictures but I never took it out of the bag. Enjoy my iPhone pictures of our week! 

 This was our first peaceful!

 John Thomas's cousin, Steth. He is so funny- our Merman!

 This is Lauren and me on the beach one day! She is 10 weeks ahead of, I am 10 weeks and she is 20 weeks!

 Nothing beats a good burn!

 Dinner at my favorite restaurant at the beach- Sara J's!

This is Alex- I was his babysitter from the time he was in the 5th grade until he was a licensed driver! He is attending Coastal Carolina on a baseball scholarship and met us for dinner. I am thankful he still loves his babysitter!

Pregnancy is going well and getting better with my "All-Day Sickness". I would like to punch whoever named it "Morning Sickness". I will update soon and post a picture of my bitty bump!


Friday, July 6, 2012

8 Weeks + 2 Days

July 4th marked 8 weeks of being pregnant and yesterday was a month since we found out!

What a busy busy month it has been! When I first found out we were expecting, I downloaded the "What to Expect Pregnancy" App on my phone. It gives daily and weekly updates on how you might be feeling and what is exactly baking inside. One thing that I really like about it is that it tells you about what size your baby is. In the past month we have gone from an orange seed to a green olive and it is about an 1 inch long! What a miracle! Just last week at the doctor it wasn't even close to an inch! 

I have bad all day sickness...morning my butt! I was going to try my best and not take any medicine the whole time. Well...after about two nights of not being able to sleep because of headaches (I quit drinking Mountain Dew the second I found doctor told me I could ease back into this and I might. I still drink tea or a coke once a day because of the headaches) I took some Tylenol. 

At about 6 weeks the sickness came full force! I could not function- it was awful! I tried everything and finally I called my doctor and she called me in Zofran. That little white pill is a miracle pill! It stays in my pocketbook and with me all the time. The past few days I have gone and only had to take it once instead of twice of day. I feel most sick in the early morning, most of the time before I even get out of bed and then late at night. If I don't eat by 7- it's over and Zofran can't even help me. 

We go back August 2 and get to see the baby again...I am hoping on at least a guess on what it could be! I have some friends and their doctor was able to tell at this point, fingers crossed! I think I am pretty sure about a girl name and we keep going back and forth on boy names...decisions, decisions.

This is a kind of boring post- nothing exciting to report...I just want to remember things for myself! 


Monday, July 2, 2012

Doctor Visit. Good Experience

Thursday, June 28 we had our first ultrasound scheduled. I had many emotions going into this appointment. I was only 7 weeks and knew things could happen. I hate being negative, but I wanted to be real with myself. We get there and my so very impatient husband is going crazy having to wait. We are finally called back to the little room. She put the jelly-like stuff over my stomach and started searching around. There it was. 
Oh. My. Gosh.
Words can't describe. She pointed to the baby and then zoomed in and we watched the heart beat. She then recorded the heartbeat and we were able to faintly listen to it. I didn't burst into tears but I had a steady stream running down the sides of my face. I don't think I will ever forget that feeling. 
The whole being pregnant concept was already real to me thanks to extreme fatigue and all-day sickness but seeing and hearing our baby made it super real. I was finally one of those people that had the tiny little picture of our baby! 
And another set of great news- ONE heartbeat! Twins run both sides of our family so I had a few dreams the nights leading up to the appointment we were having twins.

The doctor came in and said everything looked perfect! So I would like to introduce you to our baby-

We are overwhelmed with the "Congratulations" we have received over the past two days! We know we are extremely lucky to have got pregnant so quick and everything look great now and onto the "safe-zone."
I have friends and some family that have struggled in the past and continue with infertility today and those that have lost their babies. I can't imagine- but know I am in deep prayer for you all. More now than ever.


Doctor Visit- Bad Experience.

I have been blessed my entire life with great health! Very rare do I have to go to the doctor. I go for my first prenatal appointment to determine my due date, sign some papers, get some blood drawn, and talk with a nurse. When they called to schedule I was told you won't see a doctor and there won't be an ultrasound because it is too early. We just need to get some health history and blood work. I told John Thomas not to take off work for that and told my mom I would be fine and I would go on by myself. I have never had to have blood taken and I was a wee-bit freaked about that. 

I get to the office and tell the nurse from the get go that I am scared of needles and was very nervous about having blood drawn. She told me no worries, just don't watch and we would talk throughout it. So I sipped on my Chick-Fil-A Tea, had my head opposite direction and tried not to think about what was going on. She couldn't get any blood out of my left arm and was going to try the right arm. I will admit, it did not hurt at all- but in my mind, I was dying. I begin to break out into an embarrassing sweat and she told me to put my head down because it looked as though I was about to pass out. Lovely. She put some nasty smelling thing under my nose so I wouldn't "go-out." 

She then took me to a little room so I could lay down and she could do it. It didn't hurt and I kept talking to her throughout the whole thing. When she was finished I was thankful I had made it through. As soon as I sat up, here it came. I jumped from the table/bed thing and ran to the restroom and just lost it. (TMI, I know, but I want to mark down all things- good, bad, ugly.) She was so sweet though and got a wet cloth and patted me down. I then burst into tears because I was so embarrassed of myself. Her comforting words- "No worries, you are the second one this morning!" haha- it was only 10:30sh. 

The rest of the appointment went well- confirmed my due date was February 13 and signed a lot of papers. 

When leaving, I called John Thomas and both of our moms. All three were very persistent that I would no longer attend appointments on my own.  :) 

I have no pictures to document this visit- thank goodness! I was a hot and sweaty mess by the time I left there!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

June 5, 2012

John Thomas and I have always said after a year or two of being married we would start to think about growing our family. I had NO idea how quick those first two years would fly by! I hear it only goes faster with time. After much conversation and prayer together, we decided that I would go off my medicine in April of this year. By the grace of the good Lord- June 5 was a day our lives were forever changed.

I had not one clue I might be pregnant. I thought my body was adjusting being off my medicine and my days were thrown off. I took a test just in case (convincing myself it wouldn't be positive). After a test at home and quick test at my doctor's remote office in Duncan- it was confirmed I was indeed pregnant! I quickly called John Thomas at work and he did not answer. I proceeded to call every minute until he answered. He finally answered and said, "I am super busy- what's up?" I exclaimed, "YOU'RE GOING TO BE A DADDY!" His next response was my favorite. He said, "Okay, let me call you back in a minute."  Haha- He did call me back and he couldn't contain his excitement much more than me. He was in an office with people though and had to keep it together. Thank goodness I was by myself in my car!

I could not contain my emotions. I sat in the parking lot and cried and prayed. I prayed this baby from that time on be dedicated to the Lord. I prayed that I would be a Godly mother who always makes the best choice for this child. I prayed this child would be healthy. I prayed for John Thomas and how he was now a daddy. I prayed for our marriage that it would continue to grow stronger each day. 
I just prayed and prayed for so many things.

I had ordered Wally a T-Shirt a few months prior that said, "I the BIG BROTHER!" We scammed up some lies to tell our moms for them to come over that night so we could tell them. My dad travels and I would not see him for at least another week and I couldn't wait that long. Our moms came over and Wally was sporting his shirt! They were SO EXCITED! That is an understatement to be honest. This will be the first grandchild on either side of our families- yes, I know, it will be spoiled. John Thomas and I took a picture with Wally and his shirt and then sent it to my dad. He wanted to know if we were going to be getting another dog? Very funny- he was actually the one hinting around that he needed a grandbaby :) 

That night we told just our family. I actually did call one of my good friends who is pregnant to tell her- I couldn't help it.

June 5 will be a special day forever in our hearts.

Welcome to our journey to parenthood- I hope you follow along!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Under Construction...

Summer is officially here... If the 90+ degree weather didn't give it away! I have been busy with classes and teaching summer school. Today was my last day of both! Now I can really relax and soak in the rays! There are many exciting things going on that I can't wait to share with you all :) Right now I am going to change up the look of my blog so I can get into blogging a good bit! Keep checking back! Love-

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


My favorite ring picture!

Our wonderful bridal party

My favorite! I have this in a big portrait in my living room :)

After two incredible years I have nothing but more love for my sweet husband! We've shared some good times and sad times over the past two years but nothing could compare to the love we share! We had big goals set for after two years of marriage and now here we are...two short years later...I am ready and excited for Year 3!

I love you, John Thomas Gillespie!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Life Via Instagram

I have babysat Alex since he was in the 5th grade! He is a little brother/child to me! He is a senior this year and is an AWESOME baseball player! John Thomas and I have been to majority of his games this season. John Thomas made the comment the other night about how excited we are for him and support him and imagine how we will be when it is actually our own child. 
Tonight is Game One in the State Champion Series and he is pitching! He will be off to Coastal in the fall on a baseball scholarship!
 Good luck AC, I love you very much!

Reed graduated high school last year. He is dating a very sweet girl named Jessica who is still in school. This is one of my favorites of them before prom this year.
Love them!

I had one consistant bad week a few weeks ago. I had not one of those ALL year, so I am pretty glad it was just one week of it! I went that Friday afternoon to pick up a devotional at Christian Supply, turst me...I needed it (or some serious medication...kidding). It is Blessings by Laura Story (she is known for the song). This was the first page. Boy, did I ever need it! So I took a picture and posted it to my Facebook. A week later, a friend I haven't talked to in forever texted me and said the scripture meant so much to them that they had saved it on their phone and looked at it several times during the week. Wow God! :)

Reed has bought a boat and already had a jet ski from last year which equals many days on the lake this summer! This is when we went out for Mother's Day. It started out a cool and cloudy day (hint the jacket) and ended with us in the water skiing!

Wally was very sweet to his momma for Mother's Day! Please notice the handwriting on the envelope and card :)

This is, by far, the biggest thing going on in the Gillespie house! We have our house for sale. We are painting (I didn't realize how blue this was until it was on the walls..oh well, someone will paint it when they buy) and cleaning out. Who knew we could gather so much junk in two years? Anyways, the moving topic is VERY bittersweet for us. This is our first home together. Some days I am thrilled about moving and other days I want to cry. I LOVE our mill house! It holds many many many special memories together for us!


Thursday, April 12, 2012


I have been trying to get back into the swing of things this week and I haven't had much time to sit down and write.

We had a wonderful Easter! Sunday morning we woke up, late, and quickly gathered our things and took off for our church's sunrise service. I have been going with my dad to sunrise service since I can remember. It use to just be my dad and me, but as the years have passed we have grown our number. Now, our whole family goes! We then went to my parent's house for the Easter bunny! He left us yummy treats and a special egg with some cash! We hung out for awhile and then headed to church. Nothing beats some good music with the church band playing and good preaching, Easter or not! I have not seen so many people in our church in a long time, it was wonderful! It was a really great service complete with baptism! We are so blessed to be part of a church that preaches the Word and nothing else!

After church we headed to my mother in law's house for hamburgers. We strayed from the traditional and had cheeseburgers and it was great! I love me a good cheeseburger! John Thomas was watching the Masters all day so I was able to cat nap a good bit and it was a perfect way to end Spring Break!

Here are a few pictures of our day...

My brother, his girlfriend Jessica, Me and John Thomas

The "Original Circle"
My dad likes to tell me that I am no longer in the "Fleming Circle"

JTG and Me

I am a daddy's girl!

The "Updated Circle"

My Baby Boy!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!


Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Rest of Spring Break

What a wonderful break it has been! Tuesday, mom and I packed up the car and headed to Charleston for a few days! Sadly, I do not have ONE picture of us together in Charleston. I am not sure what I was thinking but now I am upset that I don't have one! We had a wonderful time though! We shopped, walked around, and ate a lot! :) I have a special relationship with my mom that will never be replaced. She is my hero and I love and admire her so very much!

This is the view we had from our balcony, Charleston Marina.

I love Lost Dog on Folly Beach. Mom and I ate brunch here before coming back home. I saw this quote on the wall and LOVED it! Made me think of my sweet Wally!

The rest of my spring break has been super relaxing! We have our house on the market right now and I decided that while switching my clothes in my closet out to summer clothes, why not completely reorangize our spare bedroom/Wally's room. I wish I would have taken a picture while working. You could not see the floor, bed, Wally's crate (I think Wally was even lost for a little bit), desk, anything!Now, everything is neatly organize and my heart is happy!

Today's weather has been perfect! John Thomas played golf this morning and I finished reading Hunger Games (LOVE IT!).

I then went to Country Boys and bought all my plants for the spring! This is my favorite thing to do when decorating the house except for Christmas!
Here are a few pictures that I took after I had planted.

Ferns make my heart happy! (I so get this from my mom!)

Love my window box!

If we could get all the grass green we would be in business! John Thomas is working extra hard on that!

Please pardon the would think JT would tell me to fix it, but I couldn't resist putting this up because it is such a sweet picture of my baby boy!

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter tomorrow! I am so grateful for the sacriface that was given so that we are able to live eternally!

"Because HE lives, I CAN face tomorrow. Because HE lives, ALL fear is GONE. Because I know He holds the future. And life is worth the living just beause HE LIVES!!"


Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Break!

This is one excited teacher about Spring Break! I called a friend earlier today and they asked how was Day 1 of Spring Break and I replied, "It is Monday and I didn't have to go to's not too bad!" I do love my job, but I needed a break and so did my babies.

Our school always has an incentive trip for both 7th and 8th grade classes. 7th graders take off to NYC for a few days and 8th graders go to Orlando. This year the 8th graders opted to do Universal, Islands of Adventure, Sea World, and Sea World's Water Park. We had a BLAST! We left last Wednesday about 8 am and returned midnight last night! To say that I am exhausted is an understatement, but I will def go back! Here are a few pictures I took while in Florida!

Wally was not happy there were bags packed!

Day 1- I think I was more excited than some kids :)

End of Day 1- 12 hours can be very tiring

Sea World- This was the Dolphin Show- by far, my favorite!

 Amanda and me on a Dr. Suess ride- we had so much fun!
Harry Potter was amazing! I have never read the books but they are on my list to read. Apparently, I am not a good English teacher until I read them :)

I was so amazed the entire day at Sea World at all the animals. This was taken at the Shamu Rocks show.

This is at the end of the last day! Exhausted doesn't even describe how I felt (and still do!)!

I had a blast but I was ready to be home with my boys! I missed them very much!

The next three days of Spring Break will be spent in one of my most favorite places, Charleston! My mom and I are going for some quality girl time and I am excited!

Happy Spring!