Monday, October 8, 2012

Pregnancy Update and Other Shananigans...

I realized the other day that I am shooting myself in the foot by not posting each week like I wanted to. Then I thought about it and remembered that my busy everyday life is a BLESSED life! I am so thankful that I have a home to come home to and clean. I am thankful to have a job that I absolutely love, even when I have 76 research papers to grade and what seems like never-ending meetings sometimes. I am thankful for a husband who works hard for our family. I am thankful we both have jobs where we can put food on our table, water to fill our bathtub, dishwasher, sink, and washing machine. I am thankful that I am feeling this little boy move all around each day and know he is growing healthy!

So yes, we have been very busy with the hustle and bustle of everyday life and I would not change ONE SINGLE THING!

Enjoy an update of pictures through Instagram since my last post.

Wally had a HORRIBLE reaction to a flea bite. After two trips to the vet, three different types of antibiotics, one shot, and strict bath routine he is much better. This picture was Trip #2 to the vet. He hopped right up into the chair like a human would. One day we may tell him he is dog...I doubt it though. :)

Week 17 and 3 Days. My stomach was a lot more flat the day prior. This is when he really popped to me!

Week 19

John Thomas and my dad have worked super hard on the weekends to build this in our backyard. The disadvantage of our cute little mill house is no storage. Our spare bedroom/Wally's room is transforming to Greyson's room and we needed somewhere for all the "stuff" we have. All that is left is paint and shingles! Good work, boys!

Week 20- This was early in the morning before our "Big Appointment". By "big" they were to measure him and look at his brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. He did not want to do that that day SO I have rescheduled my appointment. He was on his stomach and underneath my belly button so they could not check and get the pictures needed that day. Stubborn little boy. :)

Week 21- not sure about that shadow

Last weekend we took off to the mountains for our annual camping trip! It was great to get away for aa few days! Here is Wally, Bailey and me sitting around the fire Friday night. 

Wally and I when we were riding in Uncle Reed's truck on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

That is all for tonight. Love-

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